-Movie editing is the art and crafts of cutting and assembly artisans. This work is done by the editor of the film, who helps to complete the vision of the director's film.


1-CONTINUITY EDITINGThis editing technique creates an ongoing stream of action.

1-Eye line

2-Eye trace

3–180-degree rule

4-Matching action

2-CONTINUITY ERROR: This type of mistake happens when inconsistent actions or visual elements appear in shots.

3-CROSS-CUTTING: This technique gives the appearance that two storylines are happening simultaneously.

4-CUTUse cuts to transition from one shot into another.

5-CUTAWAYThis technique refers to a shot from another scene interrupting an action shot.

6-DISSOLVE: This occurs when the beginning of one shot gradually overlaps the end of another.

7-EDITING: Editing involves choosing and combining film footage to create a complete story.

8-EDITING PROCESS: The film editing process is part of the post-production process and involves either physical film or digital technology.

9-EDITING TRANSITIONS: Crosscuts, fades, dissolves, wipes, and jump cuts are all editing transitions.

10-ESTABLISHING SHOT: This shot shows a location to help viewers understand the scene’s setting.

11-EYELINE MATCH: This editing technique reveals what the characters see or experience rather than showing the characters themselves.

12-FADE: With a fade, visual and audio elements gradually disappear as new ones take over to suggest a new setting or time.

13-JUMP CUT: This type of cut is sudden and excludes key parts of the action.

NON-CONTINUITY: Non-continuity editing is when shots are mismatched to disrupt the impression of time and space. This draws the audiences’ attention to the process of cutting and disturbs the illusion of ‘reality’. An example is the use of flash backs. 


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