-While shooting a film it is very important to keep an idea of all the things that have to be included in the movie and for that there must be a clear understanding of every step when making a film. The following fundamentals of filming should be kept in mind. 

1-Media language: Every medium has its own language, or combination of languages, through which it conveys meaning. TV for example, uses spoken, written, video and audio language. Likewise camera angles, certain music conveys different emotions. Moreover the images in advertisements are put by adding colors and lighting to create a mood. 

2-Genre: Genres describe and categorize different types of films. it matters most to the audience as it tells them what kind of movies they are watching. Every person prefers different genres be it comedy, romantic, horror, thriller etc. It gives the audience the freedom to decide what kinds of movie they want to watch according to their liking.

3-Media institutions: A media agency is an established, regulated organization that owns and produces various media products, systems, and texts. Media institutions are typically large global companies such as broadcasters, newspaper and magazine publishers, film production companies, music and publishing companies, and some governments. Example Disney, century fox, warner bros etc.

4-Media representations: Media representation is the way the media presents a particular group, community, experience, idea, or issue from a particular ideology or value system. A clear example of media representation can be found in beer advertisements, which commonly pretend to tease them that drinking beer is an integral part of a party. Fun, and it helps them promote their products.


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